
Friday Jul 28, 2023
JNP Micro Podcasts ”Four Questions”: Aiko Thompson and Alan Phipps
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
In this podcast Aiko Thompson and Alan Phipps of the Medical University of South Carolina talk about their recently published manuscript titled "Altered cutaneous reflexes to non-noxious stimuli in the triceps surae of people with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury"
NEW & NOTEWORTHY This study examined modulation of the triceps surae cutaneous reflexes during standing and walking and the relationship between cutaneous and H-reflexes in people with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI). In people with SCI, the normal task-dependent, nerve-specific modulation of triceps cutaneous reflexes was missing. Cutaneous and H-reflexes were not correlated. Together with other spinal reflexes, cutaneous reflexes may serve as important biomarkers for the state of spinal interneuronal pathways.
Journal of Neurophysiology 2023 129:3, 513-523