
Friday Aug 25, 2023
JNP Micro Podcasts ”Four Questions”: Todd P. Silverstein
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
In this podcast Dr. Todd Silverstein of Willamette University discusses his recently published review titled "Lee’s “Transmembrane Electrostatically-Localized Proton” model does NOT offer a better understanding of neuronal transmembrane potentials."
NEW & NOTEWORTHY In this manuscript I critique a 2020 J. Neurophysiol. paper by James W. Lee. His TELP hypothesis 1) mispredicts the resting neuron’s excess of external chloride; 2) predicts the preponderance of surface H+ over Na+ using ΔG° rather than ΔG; 3) mispredicts the dependence of the neuronal resting potential on external [Na+], [K+], and [Cl−]; 4) neither cites experimental results nor proposes experiments to test his hypothesis; and 5) presents a problematic characterization of the purpose of myelin.
Article Citation:
Journal of Neurophysiology 2023 130:1, 123-127