
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
In this podcast Xiaoxuan Ren, Ilhan Bok, Adam Vareberg, and Prof. Aviad Hai of the University of Wisconsin-Madison discuss their recently published Innovative Methodology titled "Stimulation-mediated reverse engineering of silent neural networks."
NEW & NOTEWORTHY We introduce a new concept for reverse engineering silent neuronal networks using a supervised learning algorithm combined with stimulation. We quantify the performance of the algorithm and the precision of deriving synaptic weights in inhibitory and excitatory subpopulations. We then show that stimulation enables deciphering connectivity of heterogeneous circuits fed with real electrode array recordings, which could extend in the future to deciphering connectivity in broad biological and artificial neural networks.
Article Citation:
Journal of Neurophysiology 2023 129:6, 1505-1514