
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
What are the explicit and implicit processes that contribute to motor learning in visuomotor adaptation tasks? In this podcast authors, Prof Jordan Taylor of Princeton University and Dr. Carlo Campagnoli of the University of Leeds discuss their recently published manuscript “Taking aim at the perceptual side of motor learning: Exploring how explicit and implicit learning encode perceptual error information through depth vision” by Campagnoli, et al with Editor in Chief Prof. Nino Ramirez. The authors of this manuscript leveraged a classic sensorimotor adaptation task to perform a first systematic assessment of the role of perceptual cues in the estimation of an error signal in the 3D space during motor learning. We crossed two conditions presenting different amounts of depth information, with two manipulations emphasizing explicit and implicit learning processes. Explicit learning responded to the visual conditions, consistent with perceptual reports, while implicit learning appeared to be independent of them.
Read the article: https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00153.2021